Monday, 1 October 2012

Female sexual abuse of children: ‘the ultimate taboo’

Michele Elliott
Kidscape, 2 Grosvenor Gardens, London  SW1W 0DH
Keywords: children; sexual abuse; female; survivors; abusers

My mother sexually abused me
Mother tried to own me, making me solely her possession. She kept me so isolated from other
people that I never had any friends or confidants. Partly it was her way of keeping our
‘secrets’ safe, and partly it was her way of making sure that I loved only her. She was so
jealous of my relationships with other people. She said that she had me so she’d have
someone to love her. Nothing was ever mentioned about my being loved.
I was so brain-washed into feeling sorry for her that I could not have blamed her for the
sexual abuse, even if I had wanted to. Using sympathy and guilt worked wonders for Mother,
enabling her to manipulate me into just about anything. She told lies upon lies to make me
feel sympathy for her. She’s still doing it. What hurts the most about being sexually abused by
your mother is the total isolation. If Mother could not love or nurture me, why did she have to
keep me so isolated that I could not get love from someone else? It made me grow up
believing no one loved or cared about me. I still find it difficult to believe. I don’t think that
all the love in this world and the next will ever be enough to fill the void of not having known
love, caring or nurturing all those years. I feel so bad and dirty inside that I cannot fathom
anyone even wanting to love me.
I’m anxious, depressed, tearful, unable to eat, unable to sleep and unable to function. Mostly
I stay in bed covered with several blankets, staring into space. I feel I’m nothing special. It’s
like I am nothing. I expect nothing; I ask for nothing. I merely accept what life dishes out -
good or bad.
The woman who wrote this had been sexually abused by her mother from the time she was a
baby until she was 16 years old. She is now 40, the mother of a seriously disturbed 10-yearold daughter and married to a man who was himself sexually and physically abused as a
child. She has been bulimic, suicidal, agoraphobic and self-mutilating. Yet, she only recently
was able to tell and be believed about the sexual abuse and has now started therapy. When
she was 30 and about to give birth, she told a doctor about the abuse and her fears. He told
not to be so silly - mothers don’t abuse children sexually. Maybe you are worried about being
a mother, but don’t let your imagination run away with you.
Only men abuse
Of course, 20 years ago, doctors and other professionals were only just finding out about
sexual abuse of girls by men, so it is not surprising that the doctor would have been sceptical
about a woman saying she had been abused by her mother. Indeed, I remember being
presented with my first case of sexual abuse in 1968 and being totally unprepared for such a
revelation. I did not believe it possible that an 11 year old had been sexually abused by her
stepfather, a bank manager.
Over the years, we have all learned that child sexual abuse is a much greater problem than
anyone had imagined. Brownmiller, Rush, Miller, Bass, Butler, Herman, Sgroi, countless others wrote about the problem and women started coming forward to talk about
the abuse they had suffered at the hands of men. The statistics indicated that the
overwhelming majority of victims of sexual abuse were girls sexually abused by their fathers.
We accepted that because we could only go on what people told us. The books and articles
concentrated on female victims, and ma le abusers. Then adult men started talking about the
abuse they had suffered as children - again from men. Statistics projected a boy to girl ratio
of victims variously as 1 : 6, 1 : 9 and 1 : 12. This was disputed by Porter, Colao and Mitnick
who, on the basis of their work, concluded that the ratio of girl to boy victims was much
closer. They indicated that perhaps 40-50% of victims of sexual abuse were boys. It seemed
that boys were almost equally at risk from sexual abuse by men.
Indeed, in a survey carried out by Mrazek et al. in the UK it was found that 98% of the
reported abusers were male.

Women could not do such things
Although society has begun to recognise that men abuse children, the possibility that sexual
abuse of children could be perpetrated by women causes enormous controversy and distress.
It is thought that even raising the possibility of women abusing detracts from the much larger
and more pervasive problem of male abuse of children. However, the fact that there are
women who sexually abuse children should not be used to diminish the scale of the problem
of men who sexually abuse children. What it does mean is that perhaps the accepted
knowledge about child sexual abuse needs to be re-examined.
I remember vividly giving a talk at an RAF base several years ago and stating that abusers
were men. At the end of the talk an officer came up and, with tears in his eyes, said ‘It isn’t
only men, you know - my mother did it to me’. He walked away quickly before I could
respond. It made me think that maybe we should at least give the victims of female sexual
abuse permission to talk.
Victims begin to tell
Then on a local radio phone-in programme, we raised the issue of child sexual abuse by
women. The presenter and I talked for a few minutes before the calls started coming through:
Finally someone is willing to open up the subject of female sex abusers and really listen to
us. This is fabulous - a day I thought I would never see. I am 58-year-old man who was
sexually abused from the age of 4 to 12 by my aunt…
A woman said:
My mind knows it wasn’t my fault - that it was her dirt, her filth, but it’s also mine: I grew
with it as part of my body, dressed with it, ate with it, cried with it, slept with it. I can’t seem
to separate myself from her. Yet, I felt and feel utterly, utterly alone and evil to the core.
Knowing how she used me hurts beyond all physical pain. It means the end of the hope that I
was really loved by my mother…
A man in his fifties disagreed that it was abuse:
Looking back it seemed no great drama. Even though I  was only 7 years old, I knew how to
fondle her and suck her breasts. Oral sex lead to full intercourse which my mother and I
engaged in until I left home, aged 23...

We had more calls than we could deal with and by the time I got back to the Kidscape office,
it was apparent that this was an issue which would not go away. The letters started arriving
the next day:
During the war, my brother and I were evacuated to a house in the country. The woman who
took care of us made us touch her. She had friends over and we had to engage in all kinds of
kinky sex. We were terrified…
Rubbish - women don’t sexually abuse children. It must have been the children
misunderstanding motherly love...
My teenage babysitter began sexually abusing me when I was 6. It went on for about 4 years.
I actually thought that babysitters did that to all the kids until we got another babysitter.
When I tried to get her to have oral sex, she told my mother and I got into trouble. Believe
me, I kept it all a secret until now. It was bad enough being abused, though some of it I liked.
What was worse than the abuse was being in trouble for something I didn’t even understand
and certainly could not control. To this day I hate all forms of physical contact and the
thought of sex makes me physically ill.
The letters and calls went on and on - from men and women who were sexually abused by
their mothers, relatives, babysitters and other carers. Most had never told or had not been
believed. Many had been unable to find anyone willing to talk or listen.
Professional denial
One 60-year-old man said:
I tried to tell my therapist when I was 35. She told me that I was having fantasies about my
mother and that I needed more therapy to deal with it. In reality, my mother had physically
and sexually abused me for as long as I could remember. The abuse was horrific, including
beatings and sado-masochistic sex. It took a lot of courage for me to tell. When she (the
therapist) didn’t respond, I quit therapy and spent the next 15 years in hell. I began to think
that maybe I had just imagined it all, but why were the memories so vivid and in such detail?
Just hearing that this has happened to others has helped to restore my sanity. Maybe now I
can find someone who will listen and believe me. Sixty years is a long time to wait.
Sixty-five per cent of the survivors who tried to tell a therapist, doctor, teacher or other
professional were not believed the first time they disclosed. Overall, 86% of those who tried
to tell anyone were not believed the first time they disclosed.
Why has it taken so long?
Why has it taken so long to bring out the problem of female sexual abuse? Female sexual
abuse seems to be more of a taboo because:
(1) Female sexual abuse is more threatening - it undermines feelings about how women
should relate to children.
(2) It has taken years for people to recognise that children are sexually abused, but that
sexual abuse has been placed in the context of male power and aggression. Women are
not supposed to be sexually aggressive and the male power theory eliminates them as
possible abusers, unless they are coerced by males. Yet, in the majority of the 800 cases
presented here, male coercion was not present.
(3) People find it difficult to understand exactly how a woman could sexually abuse a child.
They are not seen to be capable of this kind of abuse.Female sexual abuse of children: ‘the ultimate taboo’ © Michele Elliott, Kidscape 2004
Page 4 of 7
(4) When adult survivors of female abuse have told their stories, they have often met with the
rebuttal that they are fantasising. A child recently told that her mother had sexually
abused her, along with the child’s father. The therapeutic team took the view that she was
clearly projecting and fantasising. The abuse by the father was never in doubt. Only after
a second assessment by a well-known team at a children’s hospital, was the child
(5) Current statistics indicate that sexual abuse of children by females is rare. Estimates are
that 5% of abuse of girls and 20% of abuse of boys is perpetrated by women’
. Previous
statistics indicated that child sexual abuse was rare, even by males. That has since been
shown to be untrue. Statistics are based upon what we are told and may give a false
picture if some victims are not telling.
Not telling
The issue of victims not telling was highlighted after the Kidscape First National Conference
on Female Sexual Abuse in March 1992. The television programme This Morning opened up
a hotline for callers to talk about abuse by women. In the course of one day, they had over
1000 telephone calls. Ninety per cent of the callers had never told anyone about their abuse
before that programme. The vast majority of the callers were women.
It is possible that bringing the problem of female sexual abuse of children into open
discussion will unleash a flood of stories and change our perception of the role of women in
child sexual abuse. It is equally possible that we may confirm that abuse by women is rare.
The publication of my book, Female Sexual Abuse of Children: The Ultimate Taboo and
more conferences held to date brought yet more survivors into the open.
What do we know?
How many of the victims of female sexual abuse are boys?
How many are girls? Of the 800 cases discussed here, approximately 40% were men; 60%
were women.
Do victims of female abuse suffer in similar ways to victims of male abuse?
Like the victims of male abuse, their lives have been dramatically affected. They have: turned
to drugs, alcohol, solvents; often attempted suicide; and may have gender identity problems.
One man, made to dress in girl’s underwear by his abusers, has continued this behaviour into
adult life and has difficulty with relationships. A disturbing aspect of some of the cases is the
hatred of and violence towards women and girls that some of the men admit feeling. The
abused also often have:
(i) difficulties maintaining relationships
(ii) unresolved anger, shame and guilt
(iii) self-mutilated
(iv) been anorexic or bulimic
(v) suffered chronic depression
(vi) suffered from panic attacks
(vii) become agoraphobic
(viii) in some cases, sexually abused children
(ix) been fearful of touching their own children
How much abuse by mothers affected the adult survivors?
Those who were sexually abused by their mothers seem to have an overpowering need to find
bonding mother-love. Many of the survivors say that, though they hate their mothers for what they did, they still want to be loved by their mothers and would not confront them - as one
woman said ‘with flowers, let alone with the abuse that she perpetrated on me’.
Was the abuse always negative?
Eight per cent of the male victims said that the sexual relationships with their mothers and
other female members of the family, had been wholly beneficial and natural. Some of these
relationships continued into adult life.
One difficulty for male victims is that the idea of the older women ‘initiating the boy’ into the
joys of sex, is often the subject of jokes or is viewed with approval. One Canadian man
related how a female relative had
acted out her sexual anxiety on me when I was 12. I was supposed to like it, but I have found
women repulsive ever since.
This myth of the boy enjoying sex with older women is just as harmful as the myth that girls
‘ask for sex from older males’.
None of the women in this study felt that the abuse was in any way beneficial, though some
have said that the abuse sometimes felt good. This has caused them considerable pain and
Are women forced to abuse by men?
It is often assumed that, if a female has sexually abused a child, it must have been done either
with a male partner or under the influence of a male partner. Yet, more than three-quarters of
the women and men say they were abused by female abusers acting alone and often there was
no man in the family at that time. However, these cases represent only 800 people. It would
be wrong to generalise without proper representative research.
Who are the abusers?
The women who were abused (N=480) reported that the vast majority of their abusers were
related to them (85%). When abuse was perpetrated by two abusers in the family, the mother
was almost always involved (in 100% of dual female abusers and 95% of dual male/female
abusers, the mother was one of the abusers). The co-perpetrator in these cases was the
grandmother, aunt, father, stepfather or brother. When a single perpetrator was reported: 62%
were mothers, 7% were grandmothers; 7% were stepmothers; 13% were babysitters; and the
remaining 11% were aunts, sisters, teachers and nuns.
The male victims (N=320) reported that 82% of their abusers were related to them. When a
single perpetrator was reported; 96% were mothers; 4% were stepmothers. When two
perpetrators were reported; mothers were abusers in 45% of the cases, along with sisters,
grandfathers, and other males; 22% of dual abusers were stepmothers; and 33% were
babysitters and family friends.
Cycle of abuse
The abused who admitted sexually abusing children were a minority in the study. Seven per
cent of the female victims said they had abused children; 22% of the male victims reported
abusing children. It is quite possible that others had abused, but did not feel comfortable
about disclosing the abuse.

Types of abuse reported
The kinds of abuse reported by the survivors included: touching genitals; oral sex;
penetration with objects; sucking breasts; forced mutual masturbation; intercourse; and a
combination of beating and sexual abuse.
Age of child when abuse began
Seventy-five per cent (N=600) of the victims in this study were able to determine how old
they were when the abuse started. Eighty-three per cent of the women who could remember,
said the sexual abuse started before the age of 5, 16% were between the ages of 5 and 10; 1%
were between the ages of 10 and 15. Fifty-five per cent of the men reported the abuse started
before the age of 5; 35% were between the ages of 5 and 10; 10% were between the ages of
10 and 15.
The survivors are beginning to provide us with some sketchy details. Ninety-six per cent of
the men and women said the abuse they suffered dramatically adversely affected their lives.
That is not surprising. Seventy-eight per cent of the survivors said they could find no one
willing to help or believe. That is profoundly disturbing. Some said they were told that the
abuser must have been male and were offered help to remember the ‘real’ abuser.
Uncovering cases of female sexual abuse has been traumatic. There is a strongly held view
that the issue of female sexual abuse should not be raised publicly, but should be dealt with in
private. A journalist wrote an article in a national newspaper insisting that it was wrong to
give all this attention to female sexual abuse. All this attention? There has been little attention
paid to female sexual abuse. There are few books and articles to help us understand how to
deal with even the small number of cases of female abuse so far reported. Evert wrote the
first survivor account. Welldon devotes considerable space to the issue of female incest and Mathews et al. have published the first study of female abusers, followed by Jacqui
Saradjian’s Women Who Sexually Abuse Children: From Research to Clinical Practice

Allen published a comparative analysis of female and male child abusers.  The literature
review by Jennings in Female Sexual Abuse: The Ultimate Taboo confirms the paucity of
materials available.

There is still concern that any attention paid to female sexual abuse will detract from the
major problem of abuse by males. There is no question that abuse by males is still statistically
the largest reported problem. What is disturbing is the idea that suppressing discussion and
acknowledgement of female sexual abuse has prevented people disclosing for fear of going
against established opinion.
Perhaps we will eventually confirm the statistics that 95% of sexual abusers of children are
men or perhaps we will have to re-evaluate the whole issue of sexual abuse. If the response to
Female Sexual Abuse of Children: The Last Taboo is any indication of the problem, then we
will have to re-evaluate. In a period of only 4 months, there have been hundreds of letters and
telephone calls from adult survivors. It is frightening to think that there may be thousands
more who are waiting for the right question or the right time to tell. More worrying are those
who do not tell, but who take out their pain on themselves and their families. The
implications for health care professionals are enormous.
Acknowledgment: This article is based upon a chapter in Female Sexual Abuse of Children:
The Ultimate Taboo

1 Brownmiller S. Against Our Will. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1975
2 Rush F. The Best Kept Secret: SexualAbuse of Children. New York: McGraw-Hill,
3 Miller A. Thou Shalt Not Be Aware: Society’s Betrayal of the Child. London: Pluto,
4 Bass E, Thorton L (eds). I Never Told Anyone: Writings by Women Survivors of Child
Sexual Abuse. New York: Harper, Colophon Books, 1983
5 Butler S. Conspiracy of Silence: The Trauma of Incest. San Francisco: Bantam
Books, 1979
6 Herman JL. Father-Daughter Incest. Boston: Harvard University Press, 1981
7 Sgroi S. Handbook of Clinical Intervention in Child Sexual Abuse. Lexington,
Massachusetts: Lexington Books, 1982
8 Knopp FH. ‘Introduction’. In: Porter E. Treating the Young Male Victim of Sexual
Assault. Orwell, Vermont: Safer Society Press, 1986
9 Mrazek PM, Lynch M, Bentovim A. Recognition of child sexual abuse in the United
Kingdom. In: Mrazek PB, Kempe CH. Sexually Abused Children and their Families.
Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1981:35-49
10 Finkelhor D, Russell D. Women as perpetrators. In: Finkelhor D. Child Sexual Abuse,
New Theory & Research. New York: Free Press, 1984:171-85
11 Evert K, Bijkerk I. When You’re Ready: A Woman’s Healing from Childhood
Physical and SexualAbuse by Her Mother. Rockville, Maryland: Launch Press, 1987
12 Welldon E. Mother, Madonna, Whore: The Idealization and Denigration of
Motherhood. New York: The Guilford Press, 1988
13 Mathews R, Matthews JK, Speltz K. Female Sexual Offenders: An Exploratory Study.
Orwell, Vermont: The Safer Society Press, 1989
14 Saradjian, J.  Women Who Sexually Abuse Children, Willey, 1996
15 Allen C. Women and Men Who Sexually Abuse Children.~ A Comparative Analysis.
Orwell, Vermont: The Safer Society Press, 1991
16 Jennings K. Female child molestation: a review of the literature. In: Elliott M, ed.
Female Sexual Abuse of Children: The Ultimate Taboo. Harlow: Longman, 1993:241-
17 Elliott, M, ed.  Female Sexual Abuse of Children: The Ultimate T

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