Why Can't We See Through The Fog
Who is to Blame?
Every day there are horrendous stories of children suffering abuse beyond the level of tolerance that their little bodies can endure. Many are starved to death, some chained up or tied to a chair, some left day and night in cots or rooms alone without even a nappy change. Many are reared in appalling situations where homes are putrid, parents missing or uncaring and the list goes on.
As a parent of 3 beautiful children, now all grown with their own families, it is beyond my comprehension that any parent cannot feel the wonderful joy and love that a small gift from God, packaged in a tiny bundle of soft tender skin, can bring. Every day I thank God for my family and I shed tears for those who have it otherwise.
What is it about drink, drugs, money and life that so many cannot handle? What is it that draws them to destroy that part of their being that loves and enjoys a warm embrace, a beautiful cuddle, a tender kiss? What is it that deprives little children of the warmth, love and protection of parents.
Maybe we cannot solve the world's problems but we surely should solve this one.
We could point the finger at many things in many directions as humans are an imperfect lot. They generally stick to what they know and to 'faith' that is unproven and dangerous. Many adults who abuse children in this way have a belief that no matter what they do to others they will be forgiven and go to heaven on their death.
Religious ideals comprise magic that is nothing more than slight of hand and belief in things that cannot be seen or proven. Why write that here you may be wondering? It's because people hide behind religious doctrines that promotes the mindset they can be forgiven of any crime if they confess it to a priest (slight of hand) and on death can still be accepted into heaven (smoke and mirrors).
This is baloney! We need to come down to earth and examine the facts. Idols made of cement, plaster, wood, or clay are nothing but powerless imagery designed to confuse and control the masses. Priests are only men and not gods and many of them are child abusers, as recent exposures have been publicised globally. They are destroying young lives and children are at risk from them.
Anyone who thinks otherwise has been brainwashed into believing that the ones who claim to speak for God have power to forgive. This is not so as when you are 'in the spirit' you cannot commit a crime and religious leaders do not want you to know that. Their goal is to get ever bigger congregations as this is their livelihood, and through lies they pamper to what people want to hear.
In ancient times men took control of the after-life through wild claims and symbolism. They used images to bring the gods into focus and they credited the ancestors with power beyond the grave. Such symbols included wind, water and sun signs. Natural occurrences like volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, cyclones and so on were considered to derive from the god's anger.
Nothing has changed because two thirds of the world, at least, are still ignorant of basic facts about how these things occur. But ignorance goes further than that. With the age of genetics we know that a living animal must have a double helix, that is a matching set of genes from both parents in order to come into being. This fact is hidden to preserve the so-called virgin births of prophets, which is an impossibility Many of the gods of this backward world are supposedly born of a virgin and while ignorance is promoted to preserve the magic children will remain at risk and women, in particular, will continue to be abused and murdered.
The dead have no living nerves, a vital component of feeling. That means that such things as joy or punishment in the after-life is another misguided perception which must be overturned. These mystical, magical places are supported only by one's imagination and are the key to stopping terrorism and even child abuse.
Let's get things into perspective and start questioning where our beliefs and actions really stem from? Lets get rid of the magic and lies and aim for a better world in which all may be educated into correct thinking. Confusion about life and the after-life is the basis of so much that is happening today and for the introduction of drugs, alcohol, governments and religious organizations that should be targets for common sense. In the past getting drunk was a symbol of god ship, which is why alcohol is called 'spirit'.
People under the influence of alcohol, drugs, religion, gambling, and so on are proving they are capable of harming children, especially their own, and of murder. Children are right now being taught by religious groups to become suicide bombers and terrorists, Young children in some religious societies are forced to wear outlandish clothing, such as that of girls in the Moslem world. Women are treated as nothing in many of those societies as well and we still see honour killings, even in Australia, where religious influence has followed those who come here seeking a better life.
Killing your own child for the sake or religion is horrendous or expecting him or her to die as a martyr is just as bad. Can't we wake the world up to the rubbish that is killing us?
The new horror in places like Afghanistan comes from a young girl who is being pursued by drug traffickers all over the countryside. She is on foot and alone. Her father sold her to the traffickers to repay a debt for money he borrowed. This is common practice in some Islamic ountries, so the story goes. Her fate may be she will be caught and given as a bride to a man. Or, what is now commonplace, she will be drained of blood, which is a saleable commodity and used to repay the debt, as also are her body parts. Her life has no value.
Early in July, 2012, a woman of 22 was executed for some trivial offence, according to the religious laws they practice in this country. Even if raped a woman can be executed. Is it any wonder they are too scared to shed the berker or show their face in public? Persecution of females in many places begins at birth and never lets up. They are enslaved to men whom they must serve prodigiously or pay the price.
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